Are you a lead pastor or missions committee member who wants to learn how to help your congregation get involved strategically in cross-cultural missions?
Do you want a mission trip that goes beyond voluntourism and is strategically designed to really help the long-term missionaries?
Are you seeking a trip experience designed to help you put your skills, training and passion to work in support of the PILAS programs?
If you answered YES! to any of these questions, then PILAS is the place for you!
A PILAS IMMERSION EXPERIENCE can make a lasting impact on your life and the lives of others as you experience what a life of vocational ministry or missions looks like.
A PILAS IMMERSION EXPERIENCE provides a memorable cross-cultural missions experience as visitors live and work alongside full-time missionaries, working in in a multi-faceted ministry, gaining understanding of cross-culture relationship building, and serving others and sharing the love of Christ.
Our hope is that, through this experience, visitors will consider the mission field as they discern God’s calling on their lives.
Or perhaps this experience will inspire them to encourage their families, friends and churches to support the ministry programs or propel them into missional living and service back in their home country.
The PILAS programs are highly relational. The ability to communicate in the local language is truly an advantage in work and at play. It enables one to quickly integrate with the local community and gain a better understanding of the culture.
PILAS IMMERSION EXPERIENCES typically last one to six weeks however there are options to serve longer-term.
Preference will be given to applicants who effectively speak Spanish.
Persons wishing to serve as a mid-term intern must be 19 years old or older.
For information, message us on Facebook.
This website is neither sponsored nor promoted by Heart Lake Baptist Church (HLBC), PILAS’ supporting churches or ministry partners (PMP), or Commission to Every Nation/Canada (CTEN / CTENC). The content herein does not reflect either of these organization’s views, opinions or philosophy, but rather that of the author. HLBC, PMP and CTEN / CTENC can therefore not be considered liable and will not take any responsibility for its content.